Dr. Hadházi Éva PhD, az MPPPOT elnökségi tagja, az anya-magzat kapcsolatanalízisről, "Dissolving Maternal Guilt through Mother Fetus Bonding Analysis - from the Oscillation Between Acceptance and Rejection to Deep Maternal Attunement" címmel tart előadást 2020. november 9-én hétfőn, magyar idő szerint 18:00-kor az APPPAH (The Association For Prenatal And Perinatal Psychology And Health) szervezésében.
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Only the 20th century brought us the scientific evidence that the mental and physical well-being of the pregnant woman plays a decisive role in fetal development. As Hidas (1997) argues, “the first ecological environment for the fetus is the uterus”, where maternal emotions such as joy, anxiety, sorrow, love, and hope permeate the world that forms the natural medium of the unborn. According to my Mother Fetus Bonding Analytical working experience, expectant parents have a warm desire to provide optimal opportunities for their baby’s development. But as we know, the conscious (everyday life events) and unconscious (pre- and perinatal) experiences of parents make the parents develop thoughts and feelings of parental incompetence, shame and guilt (“I harm my unborn child”).
In my lecture, I will present case studies about the individual, inter- and transgenerational patterns of “sins” that can cause and sustain anxiety and guilt during pregnancy. I am presenting you the Bonding Analytical process which helps the mother to arrive emotionally - through oscillation between acceptance and rejection - at her fetus, experiencing a deep maternal attunement which enables her to enhance her maternal competence.